on the Human Rights Defender’s monitoring, as well as written and verbal
complaints, including calls via the hotlines, it has been recorded that,
recently, videos involving children continue to be widely spread on social
media, frequently resulting in the targeting and bullying of children.
personal data is published without the knowledge and informed consent of the
children and their legal representatives, which is both unacceptable and
light of the aforementioned, the Defender once again urges to refrain from
producing, publishing, and sharing materials that result in the targeting and
bullying of children. The publication of photos and videos involving children
must be carried out exclusively in the child’s “best interest” and in
accordance with the “do no harm” principle.
publishing a child's personal data, sharing it through information
communication networks (ICNs), or making the data accessible to another person
by any means, strict adherence to the requirements established by international
and domestic legislation for making personal data accessible to third parties
must be ensured.
Defender once again emphasizes that, to prevent violations of children’s rights
in the field of personal data protection, it is necessary to conduct public
awareness campaigns and training sessions on the protection of personal data
for everyone, especially for children, raise awareness, and inform about the
requirements set by the Law of the Republic of Armenia on “Protection of
Personal Data”, as well as the responsibilities for violating these provisions.
Defender urges to refrain from producing, publishing, and sharing such
materials involving children, while also emphasizing the importance of a
consistent response from state authorities, including the Personal Data
Protection Agency and the Commission on Television and Radio, to such cases.