is micro-entrepreneurship? What benefits do micro-entrepreneurs have? How can
they take advantage of it? In this
sector, in which cases of rights violations can you seek the support of the
Human Rights Defender? Answers to these and many other questions are summarized
in the Guide on the Taxation System for Micro-Entrepreneurship, published by
the Protection of Rights in the Business Field Division of the Human Rights
Defender’s Office.
purpose of the guide is to support individuals engaged in micro-entrepreneurial
activities by raising their awareness.
study of complaints submitted to the Human Rights Defender indicates that, in
many cases, micro-entrepreneurs are unaware of their rights and the procedure
for using this privilege. As a result, they often suffer from the
administrative decisions and practices of state bodies. This situation creates
obstacles to the development of micro-entrepreneurship, the protection of small
business interests, and the enhancement of national economic competitiveness.
guide aims to provide answers to the most frequently raised questions in
applications and complaints addressed to the Defender.
issues related to violations of rights by state bodies in the field of business
sector, you can contact the Human Rights Defender via the hotline at 116,
visiting 56a Pushkin Street, or via e-mail at ombuds@ombuds.am.