December 23, Human Rights Defender Anahit Manasyan received the president of
"The Institute of Liberal Politics" NGO, Ms. Tatevik Matinyan.
the guest, Anahit Manasyan highlighted the importance of cooperation with civil
society, as it helps identify issues that require urgent solutions and enables
joint efforts in finding solutions.
the meeting, issues related to the protection and promotion of women's rights
were discussed, along with the steps taken in Armenia in this regard. The
Defender emphasized the importance of overcoming various stereotypes. In this
context, Anahit Manasyan stressed the need for significant work in the field of
education, as it plays a crucial role in shaping stereotypical thinking.
Ombudsman specifically addressed the issue of women's participation in various
processes in rural areas, emphasizing the importance of implementing relevant
programs in this context.
areas of cooperation were outlined during the discussion.