A video depicting an act of violence against a woman by
individuals in military uniform has circulated widely on social media
platforms. This video has been exploited as a means to target the armed forces
and servicemen on various platforms, spreading various comments that undermine
human rights in the armed forces, degrade the dignity of servicemen, and justify
violence against women.
Sharing such a problematic video from a human rights
perspective is strictly unacceptable.
Any behaviour that distorts the concept and perception of
valuing and properly ensuring human rights protection in the armed forces must
be eliminated. Moreover, the selfless dedication and committed service of
military personnel deserve the highest appreciation.
At the same time, the Human Rights Defender considers
violence against women and the production and sharing of content promoting
violence to be unacceptable. The protection of women's rights, the prevention
of any kind of violence against women, and the fight against it are among the
key priorities of the Human Rights Defender’s work.
The Defender urges to refrain from producing, publishing
and sharing such materials.