person deprived of his liberty applied for the support of the Human Rights
Defender on the issue of organizing a long-term visit with the family.
to the application, the officers of the penitentiary institution refused to
organize the visit, insisting that the individual required inpatient treatment
at the "Hospital for Convicts" Penitentiary Institution, and
therefore, needed to be transferred there. However, the person deprived of
liberty stated that he felt well and did not want to be moved.
response to the issue, a representative of the Defender contacted an authorized
representative of the "Penitentiary Medical Centre" SNPO.
discussions, it was clarified that while inpatient treatment was indeed
indicated, it could be arranged after the long-term visit was completed.
to effective cooperation with the relevant authorities, the issue raised by the
person deprived of liberty was resolved positively.